Stage & creation with children.
Tot Dansa is an educational project of the IMEB, the Theater Institute and Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona, with the special collaboration of the OBC. In the edition 2014, more than 100 students from the Secondary School, led by the director and choreographer Toni Mira. dance with the live music of the Barcelona and National Symphony Orchestra of Catalonia.
The objectives pursued by this municipal initiative are to promote artistic language and dance among secondary and high school students, to be an educational tool for teachers, taking advantage of the resources that dance can offer in the classroom to promote it as an experience positive, personal and collective.
Tot Dansa is an educational project of the IMEB, the Theater Institute and Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona, with the special collaboration of the OBC. In the edition 2014, more than 100 students from the Secondary School, led by the director and choreographer Toni Mira. dance with the live music of the Barcelona and National Symphony Orchestra of Catalonia.
The objectives pursued by this municipal initiative are to promote artistic language and dance among secondary and high school students, to be an educational tool for teachers, taking advantage of the resources that dance can offer in the classroom to promote it as an experience positive, personal and collective.
Artistic director and choreographer Toni Mira. Assistants and trainers Maxime Ianarelli, Margherita Bergamo, Sonia Fernández Lage. Participating educational centers 2013/2014 INS Narcís Monturiol, Les Marines, INS School of Work, INS La Guineueta, INS Emperador Carles. Professors Carmen Castro Milia, Isabel Garcia Sánchez, Victoria Vega Gruas, Mª Rosa Ribalta Fite, Roberto Benito Bastardo, Rosa Mª Plana Soriano. Musical director Ruben Gimeno.
Music program run by the OBC: J. Ph. RAMEAU (1683-1764): Les Indes galantes (Ouverture, Menuets, Tambourins, Air des sauvages, Orage, Adoration du Soleil) J.S. BACH (1685-1750): Orchestral Suite no. 3 (Bourrée, Air, Gigue) D. MILHAUD (1892-1974): Le Boeuf sur le toit J. ADAMS (1947-): The Chairman dancing.
︎ Mercat del les Flors.