Ultraorbism is an interactive distributed action between two networked connected spaces in Barcelona and Falmouth, directed by Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca. I took part in it as production coordinator and staging coordinator, and worked with a long list of outstanding professionals.
It was presented at the Cloister of Arts Santa Mònica in April 2015.
It was presented at the Cloister of Arts Santa Mònica in April 2015.
Concept, drawings and performance: Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca. Live music and performance: Andrea Valle. Text: Julià de Jòdar. Choreography and dancers: Cheap Date Dance Company. Actor: Ciaran Clarke. Video: Joint Effort Studios. Technical direction: Oriol Ibàñez. Programming: Sergi Lario. Animation: David Tangarife, Jesús González and Claudio Marzà. Drawing curtains: Yansy Soler and Wahab Zeghlache. Costumes: Paloma Bomé. Photography: Carles Rodríguer. Researcher: Begoña Egurbide. Sound mix: Paolo Armao, Andrea Valle. Coordination and tech production in Falmouth: Ian Biscoe and Erik Geelhoed. General coordination and production: Josep Font Sentias and Margherita Bergamo. Assistant: Cristina Llorca. Streaming/ Coordinating technical production, i2CAT Foundation: Sergi Fernández. Technical manager, i2CAT Foundation: Gerard Castillo. Coordinator sociological study, i2CAT Foundation: Marc Aguilar. Documentation and research, i2CAT Foundation: Pau Adelantado.

︎ Carles Rodriguez.